
Fruit of grisaia
Fruit of grisaia

In the common route, we’re given a teaser of what has made Yumiko as withdrawn, sullen and prone to lashing out as she is - it’s clearly to do with her father. Even the foul-mouthed Makina proves herself to be enormously perceptive of Yumiko’s personality traits, accurately “reading her thoughts” in one particularly memorable scene. It’s clear that even if she doesn’t show it on her face or through her behaviour, she finds comfort in being around people who care for her and are considerate of her feelings. Throughout the common route, Yumiko can often be found lurking on the periphery of the rest of the group’s social activities they’re all aware of her and take care not to exclude her, but they also don’t try to force her to participate in anything. Yuuji, being a certified badass, shrugs off Yumiko’s attacks without injury easily, and eventually they stop altogether, though she still proves herself to be a prickly individual who is generally unwilling to interact with others. This eventually escalates into her lashing out at him with a box cutter whenever she sees him, a fact which Yuuji’s fellow students just shrug off as being “something she does”, because they’ve all been through it too. When Yuuji first attempts to introduce himself to her, she initially tries her best to ignore him, and subsequently goes to slap him when he persists.

fruit of grisaia fruit of grisaia

When we’re first introduced to Sakaki Yumiko in the common route of The Fruit of Grisaia, it’s clear that she is both troubled and likely to be trouble for protagonist Yuuji. This article is one chapter of a multi-part Cover Game feature!

Fruit of grisaia